(Karl Ryan Mutya in Brittany)
Since 2008 T-E has been organizing an agricultural exchange program, sending a French student to the Philippines every odd year and a Pinoy student to France every even year. This 2024 KARL RYAN MUTYA was selected to come to Brittany for one month to study for one week at a school (Le Nivot) in Brittany then work in the farm of Jean Paul and Christine Madec at Grand Launay in Guiscriff for 3 weeks. Here he will learn about biologic agriculture technics. Karl has safely arrived to France this month of June travelling on his own (At 21 yo Karl had never taken a plane the trip was his first experience of such). He was picked up at the airport in Paris by Hubert and Ara d'Aboville (Founder and president of T-E since 1992). Karl's objective and dream is to learn about yogurt making, with goat's milk.
St Anne Basilica in St Anne d'Auray. L-R Hubert d'Aboville, Emmanuel d'Aboville, Dondi Katigbak, Araceli d'Aboville, Karl Ryan Mutya, and Merilyn our house-helper with our family for more than 30y.
Karl Ryan Mutya in front of the Saint Anne Basilica
Visit of St Thégonnec a smalll beautiful church where Fr Caroff originates from