ULIS Fire & Emergency Response

TOGETHER - ENSEMBLE & TEAM ULIS working as one to bring the best of France to the heart of the Filipino people.

In November of 2013 the Philippines was badly hit and devastated by Typhoon Haiyan which was one of the strongest typhoons to hit the country.
In the provinces of Leyte and Samar thousands of men, women and children were killed and many lost to the strong winds and rains and the tsunami which followed.
The world responded and help came in many forms including help from a team of world renown and multi-awarded Professional Firefighters and Rescuers from Nice in France known as TEAM ULIS.
They partnered with the Together - Ensemble Foundation and the for several years since then a great partnership was established and many missions to help the Philippines have been realized and with more to come.
Bringing to the Philippines their professional expertise in training both government and volunteer firefighters and emergency responders whom they have gifted with safety equipment to complement the rigorous and comprehensive training which they wholeheartedly impart to their Filipino counterparts and with no remuneration whatsoever. This is the true Spirit of French Humanitarianism in action!